David Seeg (Austria) Headshot

David Seeg (Austria)

Where are you from and where do you live now?

Born and raised in Balingen, Germany. 2nd Home: St. Gallenkirch/Montafon/Austria.

Your favorite mountains?

Silvretta, Rätikon and Verwall which are reachable on skis from Montafon, Austria.

Your home ski area?

Montafon, Austria

What was your first experience with skis?

When I was almost 3, around my family's mountain cabin in Kleinwalsertal/Austria.

What are your favorite sports/hobby/activities?

Several things that all are about to being outdoors: skiing, kitesurfing, running, MTB, road bike and gardening.

Why Majesty?

Best skis on earth! I'm totally onboard with the brands ski technology, company values and philosophy.

How long have you been with Majesty?

Since 2017

Any cool accomplishments with Majesty so far?

Many great days in the mountains!

What are your future plans with Majesty?

Many, many more great ski seasons! Also sharing this Skiing Re//defined feeling with other skiers...