
Michał "Bolo" Trzebunia (Poland)

Where are you from and where do you live now?

Born and live in Zakopane. Located in southern Poland at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains.

Your favorite mountains?

My home mountains - The Tatras but I am still dreaming of going to Alaska :)

Your home ski area?

The Kasprowy Wierch - the Holy Mountain for every Polish skier.

What was your first experience with skis?

I was too young to remember...

What are your favorite sports/hobby/activities?

Skiing, climbing, mountaineering and motorcycling.

Why Majesty?

Ski them - and you will know why.

How long have you been with Majesty?

We know each other from the beginning but I joined the team in 2016/17.

Any cool accomplishments with Majesty so far?

They are the best partner with whom I work on constructing the most technically advanced skis.

What are your future plans with Majesty?

Constructing skis that we can't yet imagine!